Syanne Centeno-Bloom is a public speaker, writer, artist and social media influencer and disability activist focused on breaking stigmas surrounding disabilities to educate others. Although Syanne is faced with several severe chronic illnesses—all which are incurable conditions that will worsen over time—she does not allow it to get in the way of her dreams. Despite how people may view her electric wheelchair, oxygen cannula and chest port, she states that she is a “young woman with dreams and goals like anyone else her age.” She has worked with brands like "Thistle and Spire", "Spa Sciences", "Ellsea
Ray Swimwear", "The Pretty Dress Company" and several others. Even though her conditions very difficult
to live with, her work ethic makes her successful in anything she sets out to do. Syanne attends college part-time and aspires to be a political analyst one day and is on the road to reaching her dream. In her free time, she
enjoys creating artwork for clients and playing with her dogs.